
胸 围 (女 性 部 分 )的英文

  • bust
  • :    chest; bosom; thorax
  • :    enclose; surround; corral
  • :    nature; character; dispositi ...
  • :    part; section; division; reg ...
  • :    component
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        :    chest; bosom; thorax
        :    enclose; surround; corral
        :    nature; character; dispositi ...
        :    part; section; division; reg ...
        :    component
        胸 围 ( 女 性 部 位 ):    breast
        女(性),雌(性):    ess
        :    Ⅰ动词1.(四周拦挡起来, 使里外不通; 环绕) enclose; surround; corral 包围 encircle; surround; 团团围住 completely surround; encircle; besiege; 围着桌子坐 sit around a table; 用篱笆围住院子 enclose a yard with a fence; 一群人围着他。 a crowd surrounded him.2.(绕; 裹) wrap 围着围裙 wear an apron; 脖子上围一条毛线围巾 have a woolen scarf around one's neck; 她把围巾围得紧一些。 she wrapped her shawl closer about her.Ⅱ名词1.(四周) all round; around 首都外围 the periphery of the capital; 村子四围都是菜地。 all around the village are vegetable fields.2.(姓氏) a surname 围正 wei zhengⅢ量词(两手拇指和食指或两只胳膊合拢的长度) 树粗两围 a tree trunk two arm spans around
        :    名词1.(胸部) chest; bosom; thorax 挺胸 throw out one's chest; 孩子把脸贴在母亲的胸前。 the child buried its face in its mother's bosom. 她感到胸痛。 she feels an ache in her bosom.2.(心里) mind; heart 心胸 breadth of mind
        非 模 座 部 分 母模心型:    cavity insert
        模 座 部 分 母模固定板:    top champing plate
        :    Ⅰ名词1.(部分; 部位) part; section; division; region 内部 inside; 局部 part; 胸部 chest; 分为三部 divide into three parts [sections]; 南部 the southern part2.(部门; 机关或组织单位的名称) unit; ministry; department; board 门市部 retail department; 教育部 the ministry [department] of education; 编辑部 editorial board; 解放军某部 a certain pla unit; 国防部 the ministry of national defence3.(军队等的领导机构或其所在地) headquarters 总部 general headquarters; 指挥[司令] 部 headquarters; command; 前沿指挥部 advance command post; 师部 division headquarters4.(指部队) forces; troops5.(姓氏) a surname 部英 bu yingⅡ量词(用于书籍、影片等) 一部书 a volume; 两部字典 two dictionaries; 三部汽车 three automobiles; 一部好作品 a fine work of literatureⅢ动词[书面语] (统辖; 统率) command 所部甚众 command many troops
        :    名词1.(女性; 女子) woman; female 女歌手 songstress; 女民兵 militiawoman2.(女儿) daughter; girl 独生女 one's only daughter; 私生女 natural daughter; 长女 eldest daughter; 子女 sons and daughters; children3.(二十八宿之一) nü, one of the lunar mansions4.(姓氏) a surname 女叔 nü shu
        :    Ⅰ名词1.(性格) nature; character; disposition 本性 inherent character; nature; 天性 natural instincts; nature2.(性能; 性质) property; quality 酒性 alcoholic strength; 药性 medicinal properties3.(性别) sex 男[女] 性 the male [female] sex; 性冲动 the sexual impulse; 性教育 sex education4.[语言学] (名词以及代词、 形容词的类别) gender 阳 [阴, 中] 性 the masculine [feminine, neuter] gender5.(姓氏) a surname 性康 xing kangⅡ[后缀] (表示性质、范围或方式) 必要性 necessity; 复杂性 complexity; 阶级性 class nature [character]; 可能性 possibility; 灵活性 flexibility; 社会性 social nature; 正确性 correctness
        :    分Ⅰ名词1.(成分) component 水分 moisture content2.(职责和权利的限度) what is within one's duty or rights 过分 going too far; excessive; 恰如其分 appropriate; just rightⅡ同 “份”Ⅲ动词[书面语] (料想) judge 自分必死 believe oneself cannot escape death
        乳房,胸:    breasts
        胸,胸廓:    thorax
        围,围绕,圈住:    surround
        不晕〔性〕,齐明〔性:    aplanatism
        部, 部分:    portio
        部,部分:    partes
        部,处:    department
        部,区:    section
        部,院:    department
        部;内阁:    ministry


  1. "凶终隙末"英文
  2. "凶咒"英文
  3. "凶桦"英文
  4. "胸"英文
  5. "胸 围 ( 女 性 部 位 )"英文
  6. "胸 腺 嘧 啶 核 苷 酸 合 酶"英文
  7. "胸-右前肢导联"英文
  8. "胸-右上肢导联"英文
  9. "胸-左后肢导联"英文
  10. "胸-左前肢导联"英文


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